Frits Stegmann
Hello World

It's one of the first example programs that people write when learning computer programming. I'd thought that it would be a fitting introduction title from a software developer.

I've been a bit frustrated about the scope of many blog posts that document how to installed services on Linux. Usually, it just ends up as a verbose version of "install this software via package manager".

Usually, there is quite a bit more that we need to do to install the software into a production environment, ex. SSL, Firewall checks, etc ...

This blog aims to help me hone my writing skills and to be a place where I can host written tutorials to accompany my Youtube channel. Sometimes I'll post about non-IT-related topics that interest me.

My Youtube channel has become, mostly, about installing services software on Linux but taking it one step further by adding SSL, etc ... But I do miss making videos about software development. For now, if you want to watch some videos I've created, you can head to my channel at

Best Regards Frits Stegmann